Risk for Injury - Alzheimer's Disease Nursing Care Plan


Alzheimer's disease is a brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. People may have trouble remembering things that happened recently or names of people they know. Memory problems are one of the first signs of Alzheimer's. Over time, symptoms will most often get worse, and problems can include getting lost, repeating questions, and taking longer than normal to finish daily tasks. As the disease progresses, people may have trouble learning new things, recognizing family and friends, and communicating. Eventually, they need total care.

Alzheimer's disease is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German doctor. In 1906, Dr. Alzheimer noticed changes in the brain tissue of a woman who had died of an unusual mental illness. He found many abnormal clumps (now called amyloid plaques) and tangled bundles of fibers (now called neurofibrillary tangles). Today, these plaques and tangles in the brain are considered the main signs of Alzheimer's disease.

People with Alzheimer's disease are at a serious disadvantage. Their impairments in memory and reasoning severely limit their ability to act appropriately in crises.
Specific home safety precautions may apply and environmental changes may be needed.

Prevention begins with a safety check of every room in your home. Use the following room-by-room checklist to alert you to potential hazards and to record any changes you need to make. You can buy products or gadgets necessary for home safety at stores carrying hardware, electronics, medical supplies, and children's items.

Risk for Injury - Alzheimer's Disease Nursing Care Plan

Nursing Care Plan for Alzheimer's Disease - Risk for Injury

Nursing Diagnosis : Risk for Injury
related to:
  •     Unable to recognize / identify hazards in the environment.
  •     Disorientation, confusion, impaired decision making.
  •     Weakness, the muscles are not coordinated, the presence of seizure activity.

Nursing Interventions and Rational :

Nursing Intervention

  1. Assess the degree of impaired ability of competence emergence of impulsive behavior and a decrease in visual perception.
  2. Help the people closest to identify the risk of hazards that may arise.
  3. Eliminate / minimize sources of hazards in the environment
  4. Divert attention to a client when agitated or dangerous behaviors like getting out of bed by climbing the fence bed.

  1. Impairment of visual perception increase the risk of falling. Identify potential risks in the environment and heighten awareness so that caregivers more aware of the danger.
  2. An impaired cognitive and perceptual disorders are beginning to experience the trauma as a result of the inability to take responsibility for basic security capabilities, or evaluating a particular situation.
  3. Maintain security by avoiding a confrontation that could improve the behavior / increase the risk for injury.

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