Why Pelvis In Men and Women Different Size and Shape?


Skeletal system is an organ system that provides physical support in living organisms. Skeletal system is generally divided into three types: external, internal, and base fluid (hydrostatic framework), although hydrostatic skeletal system can also be grouped separately from the other two types in the absence of the supporting structure. Skeleton is formed from a single bone or joint (such as the skull), supported by other structures such as ligaments, tendons, muscles, and other organs. The average human adult has 206 bones, although this number can vary in different individuals.

In human anatomy, the pelvis / hip stem inferioposterior part of the abdomen in the transition area between the trunk and lower limbs (thigh to foot). "Pelvis" is Latin for "basin" and is the name for the pelvis, known as pelvic cavity we shaped basin.

In adult humans, the pelvis is formed on the back of the posterior (back) by the sacrum and the coccyx (tail part of the axial skeleton), a pair of lateral and anterior to the hip bone (part of the appendicular skeleton). In adult humans, the normal hip consists of three large bones and the coccyx (3-5 bones). However, before puberty hip bone consists of three separate bones are ilium, ichium, and pubis. So, before puberty pelvis may consist of more than ten bones, depending on the composition of the coccyx.

Hips is divided into two, one on the right and one on the left side. Both hip bone consists of three parts, the ilium, and pubis ichium. These sections are joined together during puberty, meaning in childhood they are separate bones. Bone sarcum is connecting the spine to the pelvis and also a place that makes it possible for us to attach a pair of hips.

The pelvis is a ring-shaped concave bone that connects the vertebral column to the Femurs. Its main function is to support the weight of your upper body when we are sitting, standing and on the move.

A secondary function is to contain (in women) during pregnancy and protect the pelvic viscera and abdominopelvic viscera (inferior parts of the urinary tract, internal reproductive organs).

Hip bones are connected to each other at the pubic symphysis anterior and posterior to the sacrum at the sacroiliac joints to form the pelvic ring. This ring is so stable that left at least mobility / movement. The most important ligaments of the sacroiliac joint is and sacrospinous ligaments that stabilize the pelvis sacrotuberous the sacrum and prevent promonotory of tilt forward.

The joints between the sacrum and the coccyx, sacrococcygeal symphysis, reinforced by a series of ligaments. Anterior sacrococcygeal ligaments are the anterior longitudinal ligament of the extension, which runs on the anterior side of the vertebral bodies. Such irregular fibers blend with the periosteum

Each side of the pelvis is formed as cartilage, which hardens as the three main bones which stay separate through childhood: ilium, ichium, pubis. At birth the entire hip joint (the acetabulum area and the upper part of the femur) is made ​​of bone.

Move the trunk / stem (bending forward) is essentially a movement of the rectus muscles, while lateral flexion (bending sideways) is achieved by the contraction of the obliques together with the quadratus lumborum and intrinsic back muscles.

Pelvic floor has two functions: One is to close the pelvic and abdominal cavity, and the burden of the visceral organs, the other is to control the aperture rectum and urogenital organs that pierce the pelvic floor and make it weaker. To do both, pelvic floor consists of several sheets of muscle and connective tissue.

Why Pelvis In Men and Women of different sizes and shapes?

Pelvis In Men and Women Different Size and Shape
Because the pelvis is vital to us that results in differences in form and function. The hip / pelvis in women is wider and shallower than men because it has a different function, the female pelvic floor function in addition to support, the other main function is to give birth, a wider pelvis would be a way out for the baby's future. In contrast, the male pelvis is not limited by the need for labor and therefore optimized for mobile.

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